Find the most frequently asked questions below.

It depends. Mouth taping may not be safe for everyone, especially those experiencing medical conditions that may currently affect your respiratory system. OI Tape is designed to be easily removed if one feels that the tape is too obstructive. The hole in the middle is designed to allow for mouth breathing if one’s anxiety starts to build. OI Tape aids in behavioral changes to respiratory patterns, it is not designed to directly address any specific medical conditions. We recommend discussing any concerns with your doctor first before taping.

The breathing vent allows for ventilation and mouth breathing, if necessary. Many of our customers have expressed that the central vent provides peace of mind, knowing that mouth airflow is available if needed. The practice of mouth taping, like any new addition to your routine, takes time to get used to.

Yes, we recommend wearing it every night. Taping takes some getting used to, so for the best results, we recommend as much consistency as possible.

As with so many aspects of sleeping and human behavior, everyone is different.  We all start from different places and taping is a means of altering breathing behavior. Depending on one’s starting point and ease of adopting behavioral change to breathing patterns, the need for mouth tape to promote nasal breathing will vary from person to person. For some, nasal breathing can be a learned behavioral pattern such that taping is no longer necessary. Timing is always a variable!

The best way is to slightly part your lips while gently pressing the tape on your mouth. This should allow for a small pathway for you to breathe through the vent. We suggest never to use the tape in a way that causes breathing anxiety. The tape will not be effective if you aren’t comfortable using it. The idea of the breathing vent is to allow you to relax while using the tape, knowing that you can have mouth airflow if needed. Over time you are likely to become more comfortable wearing the tape and rely solely on nasal breathing while you sleep.

Many women are in your position. We have heard of many couples who sleep in separate rooms because the husband’s snoring is so disruptive. By the way, there are women whose snoring is disruptive too! One approach is for you to use the tape during workouts, walks, meditation, while reading, watching TV and during other non-sleep times so you can gradually explain some of the non-snoring advantages of mouth taping and observe how easy it is to introduce OI Tape into your life. You can then try using it at night and talk about how it improves the quality of your sleep, how it reduces or eliminates snoring and dry mouth, and how you would be grateful if he would give it a try. Alternatively, simply give him a package of OI Tape on your next Anniversary and tell him to tape before getting into bed!

Make sure your lips are clean and dry before applying the tape. This will allow for the adhesive to secure properly for the duration of your sleep. Gently close the lips and place the tape over your mouth, using your fingers to firmly seal the edges.

Yes, our tape is durable for the majority of facial hair. If your beard is on the thicker side, try making skin contact with the tape, rather than placing it over your facial hair or mustache.

It depends on the age of your children, their maturity and any underlying medical conditions.. We do not suggest kids age 6 and under to apply mouth tape. Please consult your pediatrician for further concerns on mouth taping your kids.

Many have asked this question and there simply is no definitive answer.  Some have no problem with the tape and get used to it right away, and for others it takes days or weeks for their body to adjust. Still others have found that they have slowly grown accustomed to taping even though they experienced some restlessness and anxiety during the first several weeks. We all start from different places, have differing goals or expectations respecting mouth taping, and we all have limits to the comfort/discomfort levels we wish to experience. As a suggestion, take 3 deep breaths after applying OI Tape to start initiating a comfort level. Wear it around the house – while doing dishes, watching TV, working at your computer, driving in the car – before using it to aid your night’s sleep.

This answer varies, but it’s been reported from our community that within days to just a few weeks, sleep issues can subside drastically. It’ll depend on the severity of your sleep issues, but we suggest you remain consistent with your mouth taping practice and patient in letting your body re-train itself to breathe properly.

Your sinuses are the source of a compound produced by your body called Nitric Oxide. Nasal breathing stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide which in turn increases production of Carbon Dioxide in your blood. This increases oxygen in your blood by up to 20%. Increased levels of oxygen can help blood vessels relax and widen, thereby increasing blood flow in the body. Increased blood flow helps improve your fitness and muscle growth by optimizing delivery of minerals and nutrients that increase stamina.

Studies have shown that mouth breathing can reduce the production of Nitric Oxide by as much as 50%.  Accordingly, whether sleeping at night or undertaking daily activities, your blood circulation is best served through nasal breathing. In cold weather, nasal breathing can also result in the warming of air by approximately 40 degrees F. before hitting your lungs.

Orofacial Myology is the study and treatment of the oral and facial muscles as they relate to speech, dentition, chewing, swallowing and overall mental and physical health. There are many factors that can cause distortions or misalignments with one’s oral and facial muscles, and regular mouth breathing – during the day and while asleep – can lead to alignment and development issues. Individuals who mouth breathe can develop longer, narrower faces with flatter facial features.  They may have a less developed lower jaw with a less defined chin or turned down corners of eyes and mouth.  Breathing through your nose also helps to keep your tongue in its proper position – forward and touching the roof of your mouth – which aids in swallowing and helps prevent sleep apnea.
